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The growth of tourism has occurred all over the world, including in big cities in Indonesia. It is interesting to discuss that destination service providers are currently competing to retain their tourists. This study examines the relationship between destination service quality and tourist inertia through perceived value and perceived risk. A study on tourist destinations in the cities of Bandung, Yogyakarta and Bali using a survey method with the Structural Equation Modeling analysis technique revealed that destination service quality has a positive effect on perceived value and a negative effect on perceived risk. Perceived value has a positive effect on tourist inertia, but perceived risk is not proven to have an effect on tourist inertia. Thus, these findings expand the role of intervention from the theory of planned behaviour, especially from the aspect of perceived behavioural control. Implications, limitations, and future study directions are included at the end of the article.

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 1 Management Department, Universitas Perjuangan

2 Management Department, Universitas Cipasung

3 Management Department, Universitas Siliwangi


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