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This research is normative legal research and empirical law. What is meant by normative legal research is research on theory, philosophy, comparison of other structures. Normative research here is an analysis of legal theory (fikih proposal) or also called applied fiqh proposal through the methodology of Islamic law al-Maslahah Mursalah with the legal case of religious moderation. The theory of al-Maslahah Mursalah is a methodology providing a legal basis based on the achievement of beneficial values towards religious moderation. While empirical research is intended to explore empirical facts or see first hand legal practice in the field related to the grounding of religious moderation, in order to provide reinforcement for this type of research (normative - empirical) it is necessary to use a research approach using descriptive qualitative methods. The interest of this research is to answer two important issues, namely: The urgency of grounding religious moderation in the UINSU environment and the application of the construct of religious moderation to UINSU as an effort to ground down religious moderation in the North Sumatra region. The results of the study show: First , the upholding of religious moderation among the UINSU campus is seen as urgent. UINSU is the driving center for religious moderation in the North Sumatra region as a pluralist area of ethnicity, religion, race and others. In the midst of this diversity of differences, UINSU as an PTKI institution has become an arrow in grounding religious moderation. Students and alumni must become arrows of religious moderation to apply ways of thinking, to be moderate by embodying the essence of religious teachings (Islam) which protect human dignity and build the public good – based on the principles of fairness, balance and obedience to the constitution. Second , the design of the construction of religious moderation at UINSU in an effort to instill religious moderation in order to increase North Sumatra's dignity is an important aspect of both the perspective of UINSU and this region. The application of al-Maslahah Mursalah becomes an important basis in realizing the beneficial values of maintaining religion (hifz din) , reason (hifz aql) , self (hifz nafs) , property (hifz mal) and offspring (hiz nasab) . Grounding in religious moderation actually guarantees the realization of all the dharuri needs referred to, on the basis of considerations Grounding in religious moderation is strengthened through the construct of religious moderation. UINSU is seen as important in implementing al-Maslahah Mursalah, with the following reasons: (1). The construction of UINSU's religious moderation as a media for moderation in religion is a universal not individual need, not only for UINSU, the North Sumatra region as well as this country, answering common interests to maintain the integrity of society, region and country. The heartbeat of the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is determined by a moderate way of thinking and behaving that is not extreme right and left in religious understanding, so that peace, security, conduciveness, tolerance and others are truly maintained and maintained in diversity. The implication is that it helps protect religion, mind, self, property and offspring universally (2). UINSU's construction of religious moderation as a media for moderation in religion, in its application, creates benefits that are definite, not vague. For example, through integrated programs (UINSU - Pemprovsu) which are carried out as part of the construct of religious moderation, it will provide a lot of understanding of the importance of religious moderation in this area, without exception for UINSU. The benchmark, especially for UINSU, is to create conditions that are safe, peaceful, respect for differences, strong commitment to nationalism and others. In other words, the resulting output is real and certain (3). The construct of religious moderation of UINSU as a medium of religious moderation in its concept and application, seen from the purpose of its formation and formulation, is to provide benefits for UINSU, the North Sumatra region as well as Indonesia. This means that the desire to achieve the goal of benefit is correlated with the goal of Islamic law enforcement, namely the creation of benefit specifically for dharuri needs ( Hifz din, hifz aql, hifz nafs, hifz mal and hifz nasab ) (4). UINSU's construction of religious moderation as a medium for religious moderation, where the substance of the goal is to provide universal benefit, there is definitely no argument against it. Providing a real manifestation that religious moderation is a dharuri need , a solution to glue the unity and integrity of the region and this country in the midst of a fairly pluralistic society.

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Public Law