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The presence of land mafias can hinder investment and economic growth, as the crimes committed include large-scale land disputes, disputes, conflicts, and involve large economies, thus requiring prevention at the administrative level. This research aims to find and develop new legal regulatory aspects to prevent future mafias. This study is a descriptive study with a socio-legal research perspective. The results of this investigation, in an attempt to prevent future agrarian mafias from the administrative field, have produced a new political-legal structure of the cadastral system, that is, the idea of changing the cadastral publication system for a positive publication system, through the reform of the regulations applicable to Law Number 5 of 1960. Likewise, during the period of validity of the articles related to the negative publication system, a registration process is carried out. In case of error, and in case of damage to the parties that may have more rights, the State guarantees the compensation fund of the claimant, whose rights are represented as a form of compensation with indefeasible and indemnity concepts.

Article Details

Property Law
Author Biography



1,2,3,4 Doctor of Law Study Program, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia


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