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The deciding factor in the emergence of cryptocurrency as a global currency depends on the level of acceptance it gains in society. The study is based on primary data collected from a targeted sample of 750 respondents. A theoretical model based on UTAUT and TTAT was developed. A purposive sampling technique was adopted for the study, and the required data were collected using a well-structured and pre-tested questionnaire. PLS-SEM analysis has been used to assess the theoretical model of the study. The study established that perceived threat, attitude, and social influence are the significant factors affecting the adoption of cryptocurrency in India. Effort expectancy and performance expectancy have a considerable impact on the intention to use via attitude. In contrast, perceived severity and perceived susceptibility significantly affect the intention to use via perceived threat. Financial literacy and facilitating conditions don’t seem to impact the intention to use cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange in India. 

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Financial Law
Author Biography




*Teaching Faculty, Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai, India

**DBA Mentor, Swiss School of Business and Management, Geneva, Switzerland

***Director, Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai, India

****Professor, Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai, India


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