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Public Law
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 1,2College of Law, University  of Al-Qadisiyah , Iraq


First: dictionaries:

- Ghareed Sheikh Muhammad, The Dictionary of Language, Grammar, Morphology, Syntax, Scientific, Philosophical, Legal and Modern Terms, Part 5, without edition, Dar Al-Yazudi Scientific, Jordan, 2021.

Second: Legal books:

d. Amjad Muhammad Mansour, The General Theory of Obligations, Sources of Obligation, 1st Edition, Dar Al Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution, Amman, 2009.

d. Anwar Sultan, Brief in the General Theory of Obligations, Sources of Obligation, without edition, University Press, Egypt, 1998.

d. Abdul Qadir Al-Far, d. Bashar Adnan Malkawi, Sources of Obligation, Sources of Personal Right in Civil Law, 3rd Edition, Dar Al Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution, Amman, 2011.

d. Awad Hussein Yassin Al-Obeidi, Interpretation of Legal Texts by Following the Legislative Wisdom of the Text, 1st Edition, The Arab Center for Publishing and Distribution, Egypt, 2019.

d. Fadel Shaker Al-Nuaimi, The Theory of Emergency Conditions between Sharia and Law, without edition, Dar Al-Jahiz, without a place of publication, 1969.

d. Muhammad Jamal al-Din Zaki, The Lease Contract in the Kuwaiti Civil Law, without edition, Kuwait University, Kuwait, 1972.

d. Muhammad Hassan Qassem, Civil Law, Obligations, Sources, Contract, Vol. 2, 1st Edition, Al-Halabi Human Rights Publications, Beirut, 2018.

Mostafa Majeed, Explanation of the Real Estate Registration Law, Part 3, without edition, Al-Atak for the Book Industry, Cairo, 1979.

Hadi Aziz Ali, Iraqi Civil Judiciary Code, The Book of Building and Planting on the Land of Others, without edition, Sabah Library for Legal Publications, Baghdad, 2015.

Yasser Ahmed Kamel Al-Sairafi, The Role of the Judge in Formation of the Contract, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Egypt, 2000.

Mahmoud Mansour, “Payment of Renting Places”, without a publication, The Arab Library for Printing and Publishing, without a place for publication, 1978.

Third: Philosophical books:

- Thomas Hobbes, The Leviathan, translated by: Diana Habib Harb, Bushra Saab, review: Dr. Radwan Al-Sayed, 1st edition, Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage (Kalima), United Arab Emirates, 2011.

Fifth: Theses:

d. Ali Hussein Manhal, The Theory of Effective Breach of Contract (Comparative Study), PhD thesis, University of Karbala / College of Law, 2018.

d. Iqbal Mubader Nayef, The Strongest Impact of the Contract (Comparative Study), PhD thesis, El Alamein Institute for Graduate Studies, 2022.

d. Jamal Abdul Kazem Al-Haj Yassin, The legal system of common parts in the ownership of floors and apartments (a comparative study), PhD thesis, University of Karbala / College of Law, 2017

Our professor, Dr. Abdul-Mahdi Kazem Nasser, Economics in Dissolution of the Contract (Comparative Study), PhD thesis, University of Karbala / College of Law, 2017.

d. Maysam Ghazal, Tyranny over the Contract, Ph.D. thesis, University of Aleppo/Faculty of Law, 2020.

Ahmed bin Ali bin Muhammad Al-Hamidi Al-Saadi, The role of the non-contractor in the implementation of the contract, PhD thesis, Ain Shams University / Faculty of Law, 2014.Sixth: Research:

- Muhammad Hamid Mahmoud, The Legal System for the Union of Owners and the Union of Occupants, Journal of Legal and Political Sciences, Volume (6), Issue (1), 2017.

- Munira Jarboua, Preserving the Contract between the Will of the Parties and the Authority of the Judge, research published in the Tabnah Journal of Academic Scientific Studies, Volume (4), Issue (1), 2021.

Seventh: Laws:

- Iraqi laws:

a. Civil Law No. (40) of 1951, as amended.

B. Real Estate Registration Law No. (43) of 1971, as amended.

T. Law No. (61) of 2001 regulating the ownership of floors and apartments in buildings.

- Arab Laws:

a. Egyptian Civil Law No. (131) of 1948, as amended.

B. Jordanian Floors and Apartment Ownership Law No. (25) of 1968 repealed.

T. Jordanian Civil Law No. (43) of 1976.

w. Egyptian Building Law No. (119) of 2008, as amended.

- Foreign Laws:

a. French Civil Code of 1804 amended for the year 2016.

B. Joint Ownership Law No. 557 of 1965 amended for the year 2021.

Eighth: Instructions:

- Real Estate Registration Instructions No. (4) of 1972.

Tenth: Judicial rulings:

- Judgment of the Iraqi Federal Court of Cassation No. (230 / Exceptional Circumstances / 2007) on 6/20/2007.

- Judgment of the Federal Court of Cassation No. (176 / first civil dated 9/13/1989).

Eleventh: Websites:

- www.hjc.iq.

- www.labase-lextenso.fr.

- www.legfrance.gouv.fr.

Twelfth: Sources in French:

- Cour de cassation, civile, Chambre civile 3, 18 mars 2009, 08-11.011, Inédit. Available at: www.legifrance.Gouv.fr.

- Bruno Dondero, La réforme de la réforme du droit des contrats, MISE A JOUR du 12 oct. 2017: à la fin de l’article.

- Guillaume Lacroix, L’adaptation du contrat aux changements de circumstances, Année universitaire, 2015.

- Aynes L. , Le juge et le contrat : nouveaux rôles ?, essay, available at: www.labase-lextenso.fr.