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Public Law
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1,2College of Law , University  of Al-Qadisiyah , Iraq


First: dictionary

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Third: Legal Books:

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Mohamed Azmi al-Bakri, Al-Saouriyah in the light of jurisprudence and the judiciary, without print, Dar Mahmoud, Egypt, 2017

Fourth: Philosophical books:. Thomas Hobbs, Lviathan, translation: Diana Habib Warfare, Hard News, Audit: d. Radwan Al-Sayed, T1, Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage (Kalma), United Arab Emirates, 2011.

Fifth: University Theses:

A_ Ala Dawood Slum, Legal Organization of the Geopolitical Contract (Comparative Study), Master's Thesis, University of Tikrit/Faculty of Law, 2021.

B_ Zainab Sabri Mohammed, Dissolution of Administrative Contracts arising from Tenders (Comparative Study), Master's Thesis, Qadisiyah University/Faculty of Law, 2016.

C_ Dr. Abdul Mahdi Kazim Nasser, Civil Liability Arising from Free Transport (Comparative Study), Master's thesis, University of Babylon/Faculty of Law, 2002

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E_ Alaa Abdul Amir Musa Al-Na 'lei, Legal System for the Operation of Bankrupt Merchant Funds (Comparative Study), Master's thesis, University of Babylon/Faculty of Law, without year of publication.

F_ Nargis Saleh Sahib Al Mousavi, Principle of Justice in Front Jurisprudence, Master's Thesis, Karbala University/Faculty of Islamic Sciences, 2019

Sixth: Laws:

Iraq's laws:

A_ Civil Code No. 40 of 1951, as amended.

B‌. Iraqi Banks Act No. 94 of 2009.

C. Real Estate Registration Act No. 43 of 1971, amended.

D‌. Central Bank Act No. 56 of 2004.

E. Property Act No. 12 of 1981, as amended.

-Arab Laws:

A‌. Egypt's Civil Code No. 131 of 1948, as amended.

B‌. Jordanian Civil Code No. 43 of 1976.

C.‌Egyptian Expropriation for Public Benefit and Improvement Act No. 13 of 1962.

D‌. Jordanian Property Act No. 12 of 1987.

E‌. Bahrain's Property Ownership Act No. 39 of 2009.

F‌. Encyclopedia of Jordanian Legislation, Dar al-Bashir Publishing and Distribution, Jordan, 1998.

-Foreign Laws:

A. French civil legalization for the year 1804 amended for 2016.

B‌. French Property Act of 18 July 1985

Seventh: Resolutions of the Revolutionary Command Council (dissolved):

-Revolutionary Command Council (Dissolved) Decision No. (211) of 14/2/1978.

Eighth: Judicial rulings:

-Judgement No. 1501/Override/2008 of the Federal Court of Cassation of Iraq in 15/7/2008.

-Judgement No. 210/Compensation/2007 of the Federal Court of Cassation of Iraq in 28/5/2007.

-Judgement of the Federal Court of Cassation of Iraq No. 11622/Personal Status and Personal Materials Authority/2022 of 24/8/2022.

-Judgement No. 157 of the Federal Court of Cassation of Iraq in 17/9/1969 (unpublished).

-Civil, Egyptian, cassation of appeal No. 3640 of 86 BC dated 4/11/2021.

-Egyptian Civil Cassation, Appeal No. (2959) of 87 BC dated 21/11/2021.