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KM is concerned with how well an organization adapts, survives, and competes in a rapidly changing environment (Malhotra, 2002). Nonaka (1999), on the other hand, defined knowledge management as the distinctive features of knowledge that enable an organization to gain a competitive advantage. Furthermore, KM is considered an organizational aspect that enables internal and external communication, provides higher supply chain efficiency, and, as a result, generates significant returns on investment, cost savings, and unique marketing efficiencies (Atefeh, 1999). On the reverse hand, an experience and understanding economy, like that of Trinidad, has numerous difficulties. From this angle, organizational learning might be essential for public service organisations to succeed. When KM is unevenly applied, it may assume a variety of roles that support distinct goals and constituencies. In order to pinpoint the main elements that affect organizational learning, this research project looks at the current state of KM inside the Mauritian civil service organisation.

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Corporate / Business Law
Author Biography


1Ramchurn Rakesh, 2Dr. Mohd Saiful Izwaan Saadon

1(PhD Scholar)

2(Main Supervisor)

1,2Faculty Pengajian Maritim, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia


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