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This study aims to determine the forms of ideas and powers of the Constitutional Court in the Comparative Study of the Republic of Indonesia and Croatia. The results of this study explain that the Constitutional Courts of the Republic of Indonesia and Croatia are high state institutions in the constitutional system which are the holders of judicial authority together with the Supreme Court. There are three ideas that make constitutional complaints a new authority for the MK, the first being carried out by the MPR by changing the Constitution as the authority of the MK; Second, legislators (DPR and President) through amendments to the Constitutional Court Law; and the third is done by the Constitutional Court itself through the interpretation of the constitution with the method of constitutional interpretation.

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Constitutional Law
Author Biography


Muhammad Mutawalli1,Harlida Abdul Wahab2, Zainal Amin Ayub3, Maskun4

1 Alauddin Islamic State University Makassar – Indonesia

 2, 3 Universiti Utara Malaysia - Malaysia

4Hasanuddin University, Makassar – Indonesia



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