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The great majority of small and medium-sized companies in Ecuador, managed in their great majority by family nuclei, present inconveniences in terms of decision-making; this, due to several theoretical factors such as: size of the commitment, flexibility of the plans, certainty of the objectives and policies, quantification of the variables, and human impact. The objective of this article is to present a decision-making model that was developed from the factors indicated above. The methodology used was: study of the state of the art to determine the factors that will serve as input for the analysis, application of a questionnaire to managers of the different companies in Ecuador, statistical analysis of the data collected to model the research proposal. It was observed that the certainty of the objectives and policies, as well as the quantification of the variables, are preponderant when making decisions. As main conclusions, it can be indicated that these factors are rooted in companies with an age between one and ten years.
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