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The objective of research was to predict the local environmental law knowledge affecting sustainability perception of local administrators. The populations were local administrators of Sub-district Administrative Organization (SAO) of Maha Sarakham Province in fiscal year of 2022. The Simple Random Sampling technique was conducted with 400 local administrators. The questionnaire used an instrument for data collection. Multiple Regression Analysis is an inferential statistic for data analysis. Descriptive statistics were mean, and standard deviation. The finding showed that the prediction equation of relationship between independent variables of Local Policy 1, Local Policy 2, Local Policy 3, and Local Policy 4. These 4 local policy affected to sustainability perception of local administrator of Maha Sarakham province. The results illustrated the prediction power of Local Policy 1, Local Policy 2, Local Policy 3, and Local Policy 4 were 68.80%, 67.60%, 72.20% and 73.40% respectively. To accomplish the local sustainability, the proper local environmental policy formulation is a critical part that should be paid attention because the local environmental policy will issue the good plan and action for local administrators to be a best guideline to implement and persuade the local people to actively participate and collaborate in environment and ecosystem conservation with correctly knowledge and clear understanding in all aspects of local environmental policy such as raise the level of maturity in managing natural resources and environment and building partnerships in managing natural resources and environment.

Article Details

Environmental Law
Author Biography



Department  of  Environmental  Science  Faculty  of  Science  and  Technology

Rajabhat  Maha  Sarakham  University,  Maha  sarakham  44000,  Thailand


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