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The parties will not invoke international standards, especially Tunisian and Algerian ones that relate to relations .between subjects of international law, and international legal standards that are relevant to relations between states and/or intergovernmental organizations and other international actors (individuals, private companies, and non-governmental organizations), to international law in judicial proceedings. internal, because their nationals (states and intergovernmental organizations) are legal entities that enjoy immunity from jurisdiction over acts performed in the course of public office unless they expressly acknowledge the waiver of the immunity, by virtue of Fundamental Principles of Jurisdiction Nor are states allowed to appear before the national courts of a state other. In addition, litigants cannot bring legal claims against international organizations before local judges in their member states.
We divided this study into two sections, through which we tried to get acquainted with the variables of the subject and its various aspects, using the analytical approach and the comparative approach. Based on the problematic of the study, which we consider as a basis for research, comparison and approach to reach the interaction and interaction of Tunisia and Algeria through judicial jurisprudence experiences, as well as the opinions of jurists on the subject.
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The Algerian and Tunisian judge performs an international judicial function when he interprets the rules and principles of international law, when he guarantees the rights and duties of individuals under international law, and when he evaluates the compatibility of local legislation with the international law obligations of the Algerian and Tunisian states.
The droit international is an excellent example d'un droit où predominent les éléments "constitutionnels". The distribution presents pouvoir ainsi que les multiples diversities traversant the society that ce droit is applicable to regir tendent à lui imprimer une direction particulière qui, ne pouvant descendre jusqu'aux réglementations trop detaillées tributaires d'un consensus plus large et d'un mecanisme de sanctions, sait s'en tenir à la proclamation de preceptes généraux. An example recently is the secret of the predilection of the Assemblée générale des Nations Unies pour des textes chargés de principes très généraux. Voir M. 3-3-VIRALLY, “Le rôle des principes dans le development du droit international”, dans: M. VIRALLY, Le droit international en devenir, Paris, 1990, p. 199ss.
En vertu d'une théorie dit de l'individu-organe, les gouvernants en exercice sont confondus à leur etat. Les attributes de souveraneté et d'indépendance qui protègent de l'ingérence extérieure se traduisent en matière juridictionnelle par l'interdiction de soumettre l'État et ses biens aux tribunaux d'un autre. Les people qui travaillent au service d’un gouvernement bénéficient par conséquent de ce principe. D'après Jean Salmon, à coté de l'exercice des fonctions, le concept de représentation est le « fondement du principal de l'immunité de certains hauts personnages de l'État (chef de l'État, premier ministre, ministre des affaires etrangères) » Sependant, tandis que les immunites de l'Etat ont connu dans l'histoire une importante limitation à certains egards, elles paraissent, en matiere de jurisdiction penale, avoir preservé leur character absolu.
REUTER (P.), «The international responsibility…», op. cit., p. 66
The competence of national judges to protect the rights and duties of individuals under international law is epitomized by the expression "ordinary judges of international law", first used in the legal context of the European Union. Transnational norms are another strong point of contact between domestic judges and international law.
In Scell's lifetime there were no more than three active international judicial bodies, and at present, at least fifty perform an international judicial or quasi-judicial function. No lon
Chercher à rendre compte de la theorie du droit international de Hans Kelsen implique d'assumer une stratégie d'analyse attentive to his son's historicisation. Approche toujours d'actualité tant on assiste encore de our days à des lectures qui se montrent peu soigneuses de reconstruire les concepts kelséniens dans leurs évolutions et tensions, ne serait-ce qu'internes. Cet article a pu compter avec les commentaires avisés de Leïla Choukroune, professeure de droit international, University of Portsmouth. Voir : le droi international selon hans kelsen criminalites, responsabilités, normativités hans kelsen and international law : criminality, responsibility, normativity ninon grangé et Frederic Ramel (dir.) la croisée des chemins
The ideas of the French jurist Georges Schelle are gaining new attention in international law. In 1930, Scelle developed his theory of division of roles (théorie du dédoublement fonctionnel) in order to explain the new characteristics of society (société globale) in the post-World War I period. Functional difference theory supports the proposition that there are three basic functions in every legal system : legislative, executive, and judicial. In domestic legal systems, state bodies, or the so-called executive, legislative, and judicial authorities, perform these functions. But there is a problem that arises in the international legal system, because it lacks central executive, legislative, and judicial authorities that can act on behalf of the international community as a whole.
Scelle's response to this inherent failure of international law was to argue that national bodies and agents of the executive, legislative, and judicial powers of each state must perform a dual function : to act as agencies and agents of their own state within its own domestic legal system and at the same time as agents and agencies of international law.
Case No.: 00920/17 Judgment date: 02/15/18 Guemar Court, Al-Wadi, Misdemeanor Division
Issued on 9/30/2012, index 10422 1.
Decision issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Maritime, file No. 621726 dated 03/06/2010
Mazouzi Yassin, Assembly of Algerian and Tunisian Judicial Rulings Relating to the Application of International Conventions, p.21
the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court on 05/09/2001
Issued by the Civil Chamber on 7/22/2010 in file No. 99575 2
On 02/11/2002
Referring to Presidential Decree 41-324 specifying the powers of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Article 11 of it: The Minister of Foreign Affairs is concerned with “interpreting international treaties, agreements, protocols and regulations, and defends foreign interpretation, and with the Algerian and Tunisian states before foreign governments” and when necessary before international and national organizations and courts.
supreme court. Civil Chamber. Decision No. 288587, dated 11/12/2002. The Judicial Journal 2003. First Issue. p. 201.
Supreme Court, Civil Chamber, Decision No. 575899. 07/22/2010. The Judicial Journal, No. 2, 2010, p. 154.-
A consistent interpretation, which began in the United States with the Charming Betsey case in the US Supreme Court, is the obligation of domestic justices.
Declarations, reservations, objections and notices of withdrawal of reservations in relation to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. CEDAW SP/2010/2
Starting in the early 1990s, national courts of EU member states accepted this role and began to control the compatibility of domestic legislation with EU law
Another international court recently developed the duty of domestic judges to assess the compatibility of national legislation with international human rights treaties in the case of Arellano vs. Chile, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) incorporated the Simmenthal principle into the inter-American system in the following terms: “When states ratify an international treaty, such as the American Convention on Human Rights, their domestic judges, as state officials, are also subject to the treaty. ...therefore, according to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, local judges have a duty to avoid annulment of the provisions of the Convention. In domestic legal systems by applying local legislation contrary to its aims and purposes in the opinion of the Court, local judges have to perform a kind of traditional check between local legal norms which are cited in the concrete cases before them and the American Convention on Human Rights
TRIEPEL ( H.), « Les rapports entre le droit interne et le droit international », R.C.A.D.I., 1923, p. 77-118. ANZILOTTI (D.), Cours droit international, Paris, Ed. Panthéon-Assas, 1929, 534 p., spec. p. 49-65.
Appellant: (the individual agricultural investor represented by its president, N.H) / Respondent: (K.M - M.A)
As the plea of unconstitutionality sent by the Skikda Judicial Council relates to the extent to which Article 633/1 of the Code of Civil and Administrative Procedures affects the principle of litigation on two levels
The state works to protect the rights and interests of citizens abroad, in light of respect for international law and agreements concluded with countries of reception or countries of residence
Algeria is making every effort to settle international disputes by peaceful means. Algeria can, within the framework of respecting the principles and objectives of the United Nations, the African Union and the League of Arab States, participate in peacekeeping.
Algeria works to support international cooperation and develop friendly relations between countries on the basis of equality, mutual interest, and non-interference in internal affairs. It adopts the principles and objectives of the United Nations Charter
Custom and general principles of law In addition, there are modern sources such as unilateral acts of the state, decisions of international organizations, international jurisprudence, soft law, etc. With the level of development of the doctrine of sources of international law common in many countries, if Algerian and Tunisian judges use the Constitution as a legal guide to apply and interpret international law in their judicial practice, they can only resort to treaties as a source of binding international law norms, customs and general principles of law, as well as sources The other possibility, absent from their case law While we take a closer look at the case law of the Algerian and Tunisian judges analyzed in the previous section, this appears to be true indeed
By an interprétation « dynamic » faisant appel à la theorie des « éléments inherents in a droit », « reconstruisant » ainsi le contenu du droit à an equitable procès, the European course ajouté aux garanties procedurales stricto sensu énoncées expressé ou implicit par le text . 373. Voir : Antoine Steff, La protection de l'accès au juge judiciaire par les normes fondamentales the right of The protection of access to a judge by fundamental norms p. 233 253
Some justices have expressed this clearly when defining the value of soft law, some judges argue that recognizing this value : does not mean ignoring original adherence to the national legal system, as they have insisted
Some on "the sub-nature of supranational standards, by virtue of which international human rights protection does not apply until after it has been exhausted, and with the failure of internal guarantees, during scholarly discussions on the hierarchy of international human rights treaties, some see that" recognizing the supremacy of international treaties over the constitution is selling the homeland ".
RAUX (M.). La responsabilité de l'Etat sur le fondement des traités de promotion et de protection des investissements. Etude du fait internationalement illicite dans le cadre du contentieux investisseur-Etat, Thèse de doctorat, Université Panthéon Assas, p 539
STRISOWER (L.), “The international responsibility of Etats à raison des dommages causés sur leur territoire à la personne ou aux biens des étrangers”, report to the Institute of international droit, Ann. I.D.I., 1927-I, vol. 33, p. 492. (personal translation)
The "exhaustion of local remedies rule", which requires a party complaining of a violation of international law by a state that it has exhausted local remedies available in that state before to be able to file a complaint under international law, is of a procedural nature. Article 44 of the latest draft of the ILC Articles on State Responsibility clarifies that the exhaustion of domestic remedies rule relates to the admissibility of a claim under international law and not whether the action resulted from a breach or disrespect of international law. See GAILLARD (E.), La jurisprudence du CIRDI, Paris, Pedone, 2004, IV-1105 p., p. 781.
The content of the classification of the liability law for wrongful acts according to their duration, that is, between immediate acts and continuous acts, must be preserved. on the conduct of the State concerned, not the underlying obligation that was breached. Sometimes the violation takes place in a moment sometimes it is prolonged in time - in the manner of the general conduct of the entire state apparatus, in perceiving the status of the internationally required individuality. The usefulness of distinguishing between these different wrongful acts is important at the level of liability law because it makes it possible to define the consequences of state responsibility: the obligation to remedy coupled with the obligation to stop in case the wrongful act continues. See WYLER (E.), Quelques réflexions sur la réalisation in le temps du fait internationalement illicite, R.G.D.I.P., 1991, p. 888-889.
Decision 3 on 03/28/2021
Whereas, Article 496, point 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure amended by virtue of Order No. 15-02 of July 23, 2015 stipulates that it is not permissible to appeal in cassation in the following: The decisions of the Indictment Chamber supporting the order that there is no way for follow-up except by the Public Prosecution in the event of its appeal to this order Since the disputed legislative text is related to criminal procedures, and the Constitutional Council has not previously expressed an opinion on its conformity with the constitution, and that the outcome of the dispute depends on it.
Decision date 03/09/2020 : Decision No : 4
No. 89-67 of 05/16/1989
By Law No. 17-07 of March 27, 2017.
In Resolution No. 6 of 04/26/2021
No. 18-16 of 09/02/2018
Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution of 16.12.1966, which was joined by Algeria by Presidential Decree No. 67/89 of 05.16.1989
No. 67/89 of 05/16/1989
Whereas, Article 33 of the objected Civil and Administrative Procedures Law states that “the court shall rule in the first and last degrees in cases whose value does not exceed two hundred thousand dinars (200,000 DZD) and if the value of the applications submitted by the plaintiff does not exceed two hundred thousand dinars (200,000 DZD). The court issues a ruling in the first and last instance, even if the value of the counter-claims or the judicial set-off exceeds this value, and it decides in all other cases with judgments subject to appeal
Case No. 43005.2009 Dated 27/12/2010
Done on 07/26/1963 ratified by Law No. 34 of 1966 dated 03/05/1966
of 1977/219 approved by Law No. 64 of 1977 of 10/26/1977
Case No. 62320 dated 01/07/1198 registered under No. 24040 dated 03/05/1998
As required by Chapter 17 of the order dated 01/08/1933, which guarantees the ratification of the Tunisian state of the international agreement on international air transport signed in Warsaw on 10/12/1929
Case No. 40557/2016 dated 02/15/2017
Case No. 52222/2017 dated 04/19/2018
Case No. 51267/2017 dated 03/28/2018
Case No. 52665/2017 dated 14/60/2018
Case No. 77937/2012 dated 5/2/2014
of goods for the year 1978 by Law No. 33 of 1980 dated 05/28/1980 and published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Tunisia by Decree No. 117 of 1981 in the Official Gazette No. 6 page 177 and entered into force on 1/11/1992
Case No. 66804/2011 dated January 2, 2013