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The disciplining of a disobedient wife in accordance with procedures established by the Qur'an and Sunnah is considered one of the most important legitimate methods for maintaining family stability and reducing divorce rates. However, the Algerian legislator's criminalization of violence against wives—whether psychological or physical—under Law 15-19, which amends the Penal Code, has created ambiguity in distinguishing between domestic violence and the right to discipline.
The study concludes that the Algerian legislator categorizes any act of striking a wife, regardless of motive, as domestic violence. Furthermore, the right to discipline a disobedient wife becomes classified as domestic violence under Sharia if the husband abuses this right. Given the importance of discipline within marital life, it is recommended to either decriminalize light or non-harmful physical correction or for the judiciary to take into account the motives behind such actions.
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