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This research aims to investigate the impact of various guerrilla marketing strategies on consumer behavior, specifically how it impacts brand awareness, leading to purchase intentions.
This research distributed administrated questionnaires during March 2024 among young Egyptian consumers, using convenience sampling. 500 questionnaires were distributed; however, 392 questionnaires were returned complete and accurate, creating a 78.4% response rate. The data was statistically analyzed using SPSS-V28 and AMOS-V26.
The research concluded set of findings, the most important are, Ambient marketing, viral marketing, stealth marketing, ambush marketing and experiential marketing have a positive significant impact on brand awareness; these guerrilla marketing strategies show a positive and significant impact on purchase intentions. When consumers develop a positive brand awareness, it leads to the development of their purchase intentions.
This study implications are developing insights that can be used by marketers to aid them in their marketing campaign developments so to significantly impact consumer behavior; to boost sales and/or attract interest in a brand or business. Several guerrilla marketing methods are recommended so to provide marketers a low-cost and personal engagement with the message
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