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– To ensure the implementation of the state's objectives, as written in the opening of the 1945 Constitution (UUD 1945), namely to protect all Indonesian people and all Indonesian territory, as well as the evolution of the security concept which now has a broader spectrum, and to provide legal certainty for intelligence in Indonesia which has been going on for a long time, the government has passed Law Number 17 of 2011 as an instrument that regulates the implementation of intelligence in Indonesia. This paper aims to analyze the role of law enforcement in Indonesia and how law enforcement efforts are to ensure the development of law in Indonesia based on Pancasila. The results of the study explain that the role of law enforcement intelligence in Indonesia is to conduct investigations, security, and mobilization to carry out early detection and early warning to prevent, counter, and overcome threats in the implementation of law enforcement policies in the fields of Ideology, Politics, Economy, Social, Culture, Defense and Security. The efforts of law enforcement intelligence in ensuring the development of law in Indonesia based on Pancasila by making Pancasila the source of all sources of law, meaning that all regulations on state life in Indonesia must refer to Pancasila, including regulations regarding Law Number 17 of 2011 concerning State Intelligence related to the State Intelligence Law and the Attorney General's Guidelines Number 21 of 2021 concerning Law Enforcement Intelligence.
Article Details

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