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The neighbouring countries, the DPR Korea, Russia and China bordered by the River Tuman and the River Amnok, have traditionally developed continuous exchange and cooperation in the field of civil affairs, and today it has entered a new stage. This ever-expanding civil exchange and cooperation also gives rise to legal conflicts between the countries, the solution of which can be achieved by different private international laws of the countries concerned. The present paper offers a comparative analysis of renvoi specified in each private international law of the three countries in view of simultaneous applicability of these countries’ national laws when certain legal problems arise in the process of civil exchanges and transactions between natural persons of the three countries. Such an analysis might help natural persons of these countries to participate more actively in civil transactions with a better understanding of the private international laws and applicable laws of the DPR Korea, Russia and China. At the same time, it can also contribute to facilitating civil legal acts such as the establishment and termination of family relations among different citizens residing in these countries.
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