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This study examines the development and dynamics of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Makassar, focusing on key entities such as KoPeL (Legislative Monitoring Committee) Sulawesi, ACC (Anti-Corruption Committee) Sulawesi, LBH (Legal Aid Institute) Makassar, and Forum Komunikasi Lintas (FoKaL) NGO Sulawesi, all of which actively engage in anti-corruption efforts. Established post-reformation in 1998, with formal recognition in 2000, KoPeL serves as a pivotal case for understanding the operational effectiveness and evolution of NGOs in this region. The aim of this research is to provide a comprehensive overview of the performance and dynamics of these organizations within the societal context of Makassar, South Sulawesi. This study delves into the factors influencing NGO activities, grounded in historical perspectives from the New Order, Old Order, and Reformasi periods. A heuristic approach is employed to gather relevant data from credible sources, including books, journals, and articles. Critical source analysis, both internal and external, is conducted to validate the authenticity of the data. The findings distinguish this research by reflecting on the historical trajectory of corruption in Indonesia and its detrimental impact on equitable societal living. Furthermore, the study explores the challenges faced by anti-corruption NGOs in addressing corruption cases involving provincial and local officials, shedding light on their strategies for navigating these complex issues.
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