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The Algerian legislator has sought to protect consumers from dishonest commercial practices, which have increasingly threatened the national economy on one hand and harmed purchasing power on the other. This is especially true after the global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in price manipulation and shortages of goods. In response, a specific law was introduced to criminalize actions deemed illegal speculation—Law 21/15—which defines this crime, outlines its forms and elements, and makes its prevention a joint effort between the state, local authorities, and consumer protection associations. This law has introduced preventive measures and strict punitive mechanisms, including the possibility of life imprisonment
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Law 21/15 of 28/12/2021 regarding combating illicit speculation, published in Official Gazette No. 99, dated 29/12/2021.
Article 24 of Law 21/15, repealing Articles 172, 173, and 174 of Ordinance 66/156 dated 08 June 1966, constituting the Penal Code.
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Definition of scarcity in Article 02 of Law 21/15: "The insufficiency of goods or merchandise to meet the needs of the population due to increased demand or reduced supply."
Ordinance 66/156, as amended and supplemented, constituting the Algerian Penal Code, Article 1.
Tawati Nassira, Lectures in General Criminal Law, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Abdel Rahman Mira University, Bejaia, 2014–2015.
Articles 12–23 of Law No. 21/15 of 28-12-2021 concerning combating illicit speculation.
Article 05 of Law No. 21/15.
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Examples of initiatives: Coordination by the National Office for Pulses and Dry Cereals with municipal services to establish affordable points of sale.
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Executive Decree 10/299 of 29 November 2010 concerning the special status of employees belonging to the special tax administration corps, Official Gazette No. 74, dated 29 November 2010.