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Mauritius, a developing island, launched the Digital Mauritius 2030 strategy, aiming to provide access to high-speed internet across the country to promote technology in education that plays a crucial role in addressing limited access to educational facilities in remote regions. With the advance of technology, magnetic and digital tools, and virtual platforms, learners can access high-resolution educational resources regardless of their gender, background, and location. On the side, reforms in different sectors have proven to promote an inclusive society, helping individuals to adapt more easily to their aptitudes and living standards. One such reform is Educational reform which refers to bringing a change in the educational curriculum by implementing key ideas, projects, and programmes for the advancement and progress of the population. This study analyses the realization and vital elements of different educational reforms in Mauritius, particularly emphasizing the Nine Years Schooling and the implementation of the Nine Years Continuous Basic Education (NYCBE). The paper comes with a strategic plan on how the NYCBE can be reinforced to promote a quality of education for a lifelong learning of learners in Mauritius.
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