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Unlawful speculation within the securities market constitutes a fundamental breach of disclosure and transparency principles. Such practices, often orchestrated by individuals with substantial expertise in securities market intricacies, are designed to accrue personal gains while detrimentally affecting other investors.
These acts of unlawful speculation are varied; however, legislative bodies have endeavored to shield the market from these detrimental behaviors with a robust legal framework, thus preserving the integrity of the securities market and protecting its investors.
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Decisions and Laws:
Order No. 75-59 dated 26 September 1975, containing the Commercial Law, amended and supplemented by Law No. 22-09 dated 4 Shawwal 1443 corresponding to 5 May 2022, Official Gazette No. 32 of 2022.
Order 75-58 containing the Algerian Civil Law issued on 26-09-1975, amended and supplemented by Law No. 07-05 dated 13 May 2007. Laws:
Law No. 03-04 dated 17 February 2003, relating to the Stock Exchange, Official Gazette No. 11, issued on 19 February 2003.
Law 21-15 dated 29 December 2021 relating to the Combat of Unlawful Speculation, Official Gazette No. 99, issued on 29 December 2021. Legislative Decrees:
Legislative Decree 93-10 dated 23 May 1993 concerning the Stock Exchange, Official Gazette No. 34, issued on 23 May 1993, amended and supplemented by Law 03-04 17 February 2003. Regulatory Texts:
Regulation of the Committee No. 23-04 dated 25 October 2023, concerning the General System of the Stock Exchange, Official Gazette No. 05, issued on 25 January 2024, p.10.