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The right to a healthy environment has emerged as a fundamental human right, garnering increasing international attention due to the unprecedented environmental degradation caused by technological advancements, industrial production, and novel methodologies. These factors pose a significant threat to global sustainability, impacting both natural ecosystems and economic productivity.
The unsustainable exploitation of resources and the relentless pursuit of development have eroded the foundations of sustainable development. The past three decades have witnessed a growing recognition that the prevailing development model, rooted in modernity, is no longer viable. The consumerist lifestyle associated with this model has led to severe environmental crises, including biodiversity loss, deforestation, air, water, and soil pollution, global warming, devastating floods caused by rising sea levels, and the depletion of non-renewable resources. These challenges have prompted critics of the current development paradigm to advocate for alternative, sustainable models that harmonize developmental goals with environmental protection. To ensure compliance with these principles, it is imperative to establish robust legal frameworks and impose deterrent penalties on those who violate environmental regulations.
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