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The adoption of the dual parliamentary system by creating a second chamber in Parliament called the Council of the Nation after amending the 1996 Constitution constituted a radical shift in the Algerian parliamentary experience, as the country knew for the first time the two-chamber or bicameral system, and Parliament became composed of two chambers: the National People's Assembly and the Council of the Nation. This shift was accompanied by a clear change in legislative performance, which the study addressed initially by taking a general look at the two-chamber system through the most important international experiences, as well as the justifications for establishing the second chamber and comparing it with the comparative systems that adopted this system, especially after the successive constitutional amendments, the latest of which was the constitutional amendment of 2020.
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Constitution of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, issued by Presidential Decree No. 20-442, dated 15 Jumada al-Awwal 1442, corresponding to December 30, 2020, related to the constitutional amendment approved in the November 1, 2020 referendum, Official Journal, No. 82, dated December 30, 2020.
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