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Background: Streptococcus thermophilus generates the aromatic chemicals acetaldehyde and diacetyl from lactose, pyruvate, and citrate. These molecules are found in yoghurts, cheeses, and other fermented beverages. However, there is a lack of clarity regarding the regulation of the metabolic pathways involved in biosynthesis. In developing nations, there are issues with the methods used to choose strains and dose these scents. Objective: The study aims the selection of wild S. thermophilus strains, of plant origin, isolated from Algerian black fermented table olives, under the constraint of long cryopreservation, to explore their potential for aromatization (Acetaldehyde), acidification (decrease in pH and lactate production) in an assimilated industrial environment. Material & Methods: Following strains reactivation on M17 broth and Reconstituted Skim Milk (RSM), flavouring strains are chosen using polarography (Figure: 1), and the acetaldehyde dosage is determined using a photometric technique. Acidification kinetics (pH drop, lactate generation) are tracked on RSM at 4H, 8H, 16H, and 24H. Probiotic capabilities of chosen strains were investigated by tracking their growth and survival on M17 medium supplemented at 1% and 0.5% with several prebiotic chemicals, including: Gome Arabic (GA), Gluco-Oligo-Saccharid (GOS), Fructo-Oligo-Saccharid (FOS), and Psylium. Results: study allowed the selection of three S. thermophilus strains (MTS1, MTS2, MTS3), having acidifying profile: (pH: 4.91 (STM1), 4.88 (STM2) and 4.61(STM3). Lactate ( D): 83ºD (STM1), 94ºD (STM2) and 103ºD (STM3), production of acetaldehyde on polarograph and by photometric method: Acetaldehyde (in ppm): 0.03 (STM1), 0.066 (STM2) and 0.095 (STM3) after 24H. Conclusion: This is the first report, conducted in Algeria, contributing to the exploration/evaluation of the behavior of wild Streptococcus thermophilus strains, of plant origin, in an assimilated industrial environment. They also provide a theoretical basis for understanding/mastering the strains metabolism/a new experimental plan for the selection of indigenous S. thermophilus strains with acidification and aromatization potential.
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