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The legal drafting process is of paramount importance in fulfilling the inherent purpose of a legal text. A legal text serves as the primary vehicle through which the will of the legislator is conveyed to its audience, ensuring that it is both a binding instrument and a source of rights and obligations. Accordingly, meticulous attention must be paid to every component of its formulation, including its structural framework or what is conventionally referred to as its external form, adhering to rigorous scientific and objective standards to enhance its legal efficacy.
While the legal text constitutes a purposeful linguistic unit, it is characterized by a distinctive form that differentiates it from texts in other disciplines. This unique form plays a pivotal role in identifying the legal text, defining the procedural and formal requirements for its promulgation, and contributing to the precision and clarity of its substantive content.
This article seeks to analyze the principal characteristics discernible through an examination of the constitutions enacted in Algeria from independence to the present day.
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-In Algeria, this task is assigned to the Official Printing House since its establishment in 1964, which is responsible for printing the official government bulletins and all necessary documents for various government administrations and bodies, either directly or indirectly. See Article 1 of Presidential Decree No. 64-332, previous reference.
Also, see Article 05 of Presidential Decree No. 03-189, dated 26 Safar 1424, corresponding to April 20, 2003, which includes the amendment of the basic law of the Official Printing House in the Official Gazette No. 30, published on April 30, 2003.
-Article 2 of Presidential Decree No. 147/64, dated 16th of Muharram 1384 AH, corresponding to May 28, 1964, regarding the implementation of laws and regulations, published in the Official Gazette No. 01, dated May 29, 1964.
-Ordonnance N° 62-01 du 06 juillet 1962 Relative à la Réintégration et à la Révision de la Situation Administrative de certains fonctionnaires et agents, Journal Officiel de L'état Algérien, 1 année N° 1; 06/07/1962.