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This study addresses the concept and content of the Internal Regulations of the Council of the Nation for the year 2017, focusing on the central issue of what constitutes the internal regulations of the Council of the Nation and the key provisions it contains and regulates. By reviewing the main aspects related to internal regulations in general and concentrating on the most traditionally included matters, the study also highlights the most important innovations introduced in line with the 2016 constitutional amendment, whether in terms of procedures, the bodies and committees constituting the Council of the Nation, or matters concerning members, including their affiliations within the council, their rights, privileges, and duties. An analytical approach was adopted, which involves presenting and analyzing the texts of the internal regulations of the Council of the Nation for the year 2017, enabling members of the Council to easily refer to them. Additionally, the study proposes certain mechanisms that enable members of the Council to perform their roles effectively, with a particular focus on the provision of independent expert committees composed of specialists from various fields to support them in preparing their work and reports.
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