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Genocide is a crime against the international community as a whole and each member of the international community has an inherent interest and responsibility to ensure that those who have committed such a crime do not evade justice. At the same time, extradition and surrender of a person must be consistent with the norms of international law and human rights. The state that has detained the person must have a legal basis for doing so, and the detained person must be able to challenge the grounds for deprivation of liberty when the question of surrender is considered.
Despite the existence of detailed legal regulation of the international legal institution of extradition, in practice there are major problems regarding the extradition of political refugees, their own citizens, extradition at the request of two states, as well as the application of grounds for refusing extradition. Using the example of unsuccessful cases of extradition of suspects in the Rwandan genocide from European countries to Rwanda, recommendations are offered for improving the current legal acts and the activities of competent state authorities
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