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This study is concerned with the offence of adultery of one of the spouses, which is considered a serious offence negatively affecting the marital relationship. offending the victim's spouse and damaging his or her honour, This leads to the dissolution of the marriage bond, especially since the injured spouse often has recourse to justice in order to file for divorce against the adulterous spouse. and therefore Algerian legislation had to tackle this crime vigorously and firmly in order to protect the marital relationship.
Both Algerian and Egyptian law have legally protected marital relations by criminalizing the act of adultery committed by one of the spouses. In order to reduce this offence, both laws impose a penalty on the perpetrator of adultery, whether the husband or wife, . However, both legislators have not reached To achieve the purpose of criminalizing adultery as a result of failure to address this crime in the appropriate manner and not to impose sufficient punishment.
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