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Theestate property stability and evidencing methods need a clear estate law that determines the various legal positions and creates trust for the owner. This bring about vagueness about the authority of the customary documents as evidences of property, mainly after they had been recognized in specific periods and denied in others. Thus, we shall shed light on their authority before and after 01 January 1971.
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Legislative texts:
Order 70/91 of 15 December 1970 that came into force on 01 January 1971, on the notary law.
Law 83-03 of 25/06/1983 on the Supplementary Financial Law of 1983, official gazette 11 of 25/06/1983.
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Law 90/25 of 08/11/1990 on the law of the estate orientation, complemented and supplemented by Order 95-26 of 25 September 1995, official gazette 49 of 18 November 1990.
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Law 09-08 of 25 February 2005 on thee administrative and civil procedures, official gazette 21 of 23 April 2008, p. 16.
Organizational texts:
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Decree 80/210 of 13/05/1980 that supplements and complements Decree 76/63 on the establishment of the estate register, official gazette 38 of 15/05/1980, p. 1378.
Judicial decisions:
The decision of the civil chamber 33054 of 06/02/1985, the judicial journal of 1992, No° 04, p. 16.
Decision 85535 of 27/05/1992, the judicial journal of 1994, No° 03, p. 14.
Decision 108108 of 05/05/1995, unpublished.
Decision 136156 of 18/02/1997, the judicial journal, No° 01, 1997, p. 10.
The decision of the estate chamber 197347 of 28/06/2000, journal of the judicial jurisprudence, 2004, special issue, Vol. 02, p. 258.
Decision of the penal chamber 559251 of 22/10/2008, journal of the supreme court, 2008, No° 02, p. 373.
Decision 483177 of 20/05/2009, journal of the supreme court, No° 1, 2009, p. 154.
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