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A contract serves as the legal framework through which parties express their intentions regarding their obligations and rights toward each other. It establishes the relationship between the principal and the commercial agent, thus directly linking the existence of the contract to the commercial agent. For a commercial agency contract to be valid and meet its legal requirements, it must fulfill all general substantive conditions of contracts as well as formal conditions. Additionally, the commercial agency contract requires specific formal requirements that distinguish it from other commercial contracts, such as the exclusivity clause and the non-competition clause.

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Abdel Fadl Mohamed Ahmed, Commercial Contracts (Commercial Sales, Commercial Mortgage, Commercial Brokerage Contracts, Transport Contract), 1st ed., Dar Al-Fikr and Law for Publishing and Distribution, Mansoura (Egypt), 2017, p. 88.

Reda El-Sayed Abdel Hamid, Termination of Agency Contracts and Its Effects, (No Ed.), Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo (Egypt), 2000, p. 33.

Samiha Al-Qalyoubi, The Medium in Explaining Egyptian Commercial Law (Obligations and Commercial Contracts and Banking Operations), Vol. 2, 7th ed., Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo (Egypt), 2015, p. 404.

See also: Cristina COJOCARU, Agency Contracts: Existing Regulations in Romanian Laws, Perspectives of Business Law Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2012, p. 126.

Laurent Bruneau, Contribution to the Study of the Foundations of Contracting Party Protection, Doctoral Thesis, Université des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse, France, 2005, p. 2.

Malik Mustafa, The Legal System of the Commercial Agency Contract (A Critical Analytical Study in the Moroccan Commercial Code and the Emirati Commercial Transactions Law and Other Laws), published in Moroccan Journal of Comparative Economics and Law, Faculty of Legal, Economic, and Social Sciences in Marrakech (Morocco), Issue 53, 2015, p. 46.

See also: Laurent DU JARDIN, Belgian Law of Commercial Distribution: Legal Aspects of Distribution Strategy, Les Dossiers du Journal des Tribunaux, No. 2, Vol. 2, Larcier, 1992, p. 69.

See also: Axel DE THEUX, Law of Commercial Representation: Formation and Execution of the Commercial Representation Contract, Tler, C.I.D.C., France, 1981, p. 461, No. 336.

Imad Abdel Moneim Abdel Rahman, Civil Liability of the Commercial Agent Before the Consumer, Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, Cairo University, Egypt, 2017, p. 32.

Article 1/3 of the French Commercial Code, No. 58-1345 dated December 23, 1958, regarding commercial agents: “…It may contain an exclusivity agreement.”

Egyptian Commercial Law No. 17 of 1999, Official Gazette, Issue 19 (Special Edition), dated 17/05/1999.

Ordinance No. 97-10 dated March 6, 1997, concerning authors and neighboring rights, Official Gazette, Issue 13, dated 12/03/1997.

Mounir Qazman, Commercial Agency in Light of Jurisprudence and Judiciary, (No Ed.), University Thought Publishing House, Alexandria (Egypt), 2005, p. 161.

Bashar H. Malkawi, Reflections on Exclusivity and Termination of Commercial Agency in Jordan: The Intertwining of Domestic Regulation and International Trade Law, The Estey Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2018, p. 104.

Tarek Fahmy El-Ghanam, The Legal System of the Commercial Contract Agent, 1st ed., Arab Studies Center for Publishing and Distribution, Egypt, 2015, p. 161.

Ibid., p. 161.

François-Luc Simon, Theory and Practice of Franchise Law, JOLY Editions, Paris (France), 2009, p. 138.

Majid Mohamed Abdel Rahman Khalifa, Commercial Agency, Doctoral Thesis, Faculty of Law, Cairo University, Egypt, 1977, p. 175.

Article 2006 of the French Civil Code, promulgated on February 17, 1804: "The appointment of a new agent for the same matter constitutes the revocation of the first agent from the day it was notified."

Mounir Qazman, Ibid., p. 161.

Malik Mustafa, Ibid., p. 47.

See Article 10 of Ordinance No. 03-03 dated July 19, 2003, on competition, as amended by Law No. 10-05 dated 18/08/2010.

Ramadan Qandili, Distribution Contracts, Doctoral Thesis in Business Law, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of DjilaliLiabes, Sidi Bel Abbes (Algeria), 2018, p. 232.

Tarek Abdel Raouf Saleh Rizk, Commercial Agencies and Brokerage: Intermediation Contracts in Kuwaiti Commercial Law, 1st ed., Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo (Egypt), 2008, p. 174.

Mohamed Ali Sweilem, Commercial Agency: A Comparative Study, 1st ed., University Press, Egypt, 2014, p. 224.

Article L134-14 of the French Commercial Code, Law No. 91-593 dated June 25, 1991: "…The non-competition clause is only valid for a maximum period of two years after contract termination."

Moamer Taher Hamid Radman, Commercial Intermediation Contracts (Commercial Agency - Commission Agency - Commercial Representation), (No Ed.), New University Publishing House, Alexandria (Egypt), 2017, p. 98.

Majid Mohamed Abdel Rahman Khalifa, Ibid., p. 171.

Samiha Al-Qalyoubi, Ibid., p. 407.

Mohamed Bahgat Abdullah Qaid, Commercial Contracts, 1st ed., Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo (Egypt), 1995, p. 106.

Rachid Sasan, Subjecting Public Legal Entities to Competition Law, National Forum on "Competition Law Between Initiative Liberation and Market Regulation," Faculty of Law andPolitical Science, Department of Legal and Administrative Sciences, University of May 8, 1945, Guelma, March 16-17, 2015, p. 9.

Article 107/1 of the Algerian Civil Code states: "The contract must be executed in accordance with its contents and in good faith."

Nabil Mohamed Ahmed Sobeih, The Role of Contract Agents in International Trade, (No Ed.), Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo (Egypt), 1995, p. 59.

J-M. Leloup, The Law of June 25, 1991, Relating to Relations Between Commercial Agents and Their Principals or the Triumph of Common Interest, ed. E, JCP, France, 1992, p. 105. Cited in: Nabil Mohamed Ahmed Sobeih, Ibid., p. 59.

Article L134-4 of the French Commercial Code, Law No. 91-593 of June 25, 1991: "Contracts between commercial agents and their principals are concluded in the common interest of the parties."

Article L134-14 of the French Commercial Code, Law No. 91-593 of June 25, 1991.

See Article 2 of the French Commercial Code.

Mohamed Tiorsi, Rules of Competition and Economic Public Order: A Comparative Study, Doctoral Dissertation, Faculty of Legal Sciences and Administration, Abou Bekr Belkaid University, Tlemcen (Algeria), 2011, p. 100.

Mohamed Dib, The Obligation of Non-Competition in Employment Relations, Master’s Thesis in Private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Oran University, 2013, p. 44.

Law No. 10-05 dated August 15, 2010, relating to competition, Official Gazette, Issue 46, dated August 18, 2010.

Ordinance No. 03-03 dated July 19, 2003, relating to competition, Official Gazette, Issue 43, dated July 20, 2003.

JehidSahout, Legal Protection of Free Competition and Monitoring of Monopolies: A Comparative Study between the Legislation of Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, and Syria, Doctoral Dissertation, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Mouloud Mammeri University, TiziOuzou (Algeria), 2018, p. 55.

Moamer Taher Hamid Radman, Ibid., p. 125.

Ahmed Ahmed Yahia Al-Washli, The Obligations of Agents in Moroccan and Yemeni Commercial Law, published in Moroccan Law Journal, Dar Al-Salam for Printing and Publishing, Morocco, Issue 3, 2003, pp. 16-17.

Ahmed Ahmed Yahia Al-Washli, Ibid., p. 176.

Bruno Garreau, The Commercial Agent in Real Estate Transactions, CNASIM, France, 2015, p. 21, accessed on the CNASIM website: (Accessed: 15/07/2019).

Cristina COJOCARU, Op. cit., p. 126.

Abdel Wahid Hamdawi, Non-Competition Clause in Commercial Contracts, published in Legal Sciences Journal, Commercial Judiciary Jurisprudence Series, Morocco, Issues 3/4, 2017, pp. 24-25.

Nabil Mohamed Ahmed Sobeih, Ibid., p. 65.

Tarek Fahmy El-Ghanam, Ibid., p. 507.

Sonia de Carvalho, Distribution Contracts: An Iberian Approach, Juridical Tribune, Vol. 6, Issue 2, 2016, pp. 61-62.

Abdel Razzaq Boubenider, Optional and Legal Reasons for the Termination of Commercial Agency in English and French Law, Doctoral Dissertation, Faculty of Law, Cairo University, Egypt, 1989, p. 152.

Yasser Al-Suraihy, The End of the Franchise Contract, Doctoral Thesis in Law, Graduate School, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University of Poitiers, France, 2008, p. 322.

Nabil Mohamed Ahmed Sobeih, Ibid., p. 62.