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Algeria's abundant hydrocarbon resources have positioned the nation prominently in the global energy sector, yet they have also fostered an economic dependence on this finite resource. However, this reliance has come at a cost, contributing to environmental degradation, global warming, and climate change. As energy, demands soar and fossil fuel reserves decline, Algeria confronts significant challenges. Urgent action is imperative to cultivate sustainable and dependable energy sources, highlighting the necessity for alternative pathways to ensure environmental sustainability and energy security. Our research objective is to assess the evolution of the legislative support for green energy within the framework of constitutional provisions on environmental protection and sustainable development in Algeria. This study employs interpretive content analysis to examine Algeria's legal framework concerning the transition to green energy, as an alternative advocated by Algeria legislation through Law 10/03, the Law on Environmental Protection within the Framework of Sustainable Development, as well as Law 20-04, the Law on the Prevention of Major Risks and Disaster Management within the Framework of Sustainable Development. The primary data source includes various legal documents related to renewable energy initiatives and environmental regulations in Algeria. The 2016 constitution acknowledged citizens' right to a healthy environment, emphasizing emission reduction and green energy. In 2020, environmental preservation was elevated to constitutional status. Renewable energies are central to preventing environmental risks harm from widespread use of fossil fuels, yet challenges persist in their implementation. Nonetheless, the shift towards explicit constitutional support for renewables is positively influencing political will and engagement. Additionally, it draws comparisons with legal experiences in the legislation of other countries.
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