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If the legislation subjected prices to the principle of supply , demand and freedom of competition, it intervened and criminalized some behaviors that contradict the principle by approving the crime of illegal speculation in the provisions of the Penal Code.
When these texts became unable to deter the spread of some illegal practices that threatened the economic security of the state for some economic agents and were linked to creating scarcity in the markets and raising their prices, it was necessary for the legislator to confront them, which was evident by issuing a special law, which is Law No. 21. 15 dated December 28, 2021 relating to combating illegal speculation, through which preventive procedural rules and penal provisions with severe penalties were approved to deter this serious crime.
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-First: legal texts
Law No. 04-02 of 23 June 2004 on rules applicable to amended and supplemented business practices, OJ No. 41 of 27 June 2004.
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Ordinance No. 66-155 of 08 June 1966 amending and supplementing the Code of Criminal Procedure.
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Second: books
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Third: memory
Bahri Fatima, Consumer Criminal Protection, Doctoral Thesis, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Abubakar University, Belkaid, Tlemcen.
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Fourth: Articles
Abdullah Masood, Khidhawi Naim, Combating Illicit Speculation between Legal Texts and Field Work (Study in the Light of Law No. 21-15 on Combating Illicit Speculation), Al-Sadi Journal of Legal and Political Studies, vol. 4, No. 2 Joan 2022.