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Arbitration has been known throughout history as a means of resolving individual and collective disputes, and within the scope of international and internal commercial and civil transactions. However, in the recent period, and in light of the new world order, it has gained great importance, especially in light of the amazing development in means of communication, And the volume of exchanges between countries, due to its ease of procedures and freedom from the restrictions and complications found in internal legal systems on the one hand, and its responsiveness to the requirements of international transactions on the other hand.

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Dr. Atef Mohamed Rushd Al-Feki, Arbitration in Maritime Disputes, doctoral thesis, Menoufia University - Egypt, 1995, p. 267.

Law 08/09, dated February 25, 2008, containing the Law of Civil and Administrative Procedures, Official Gazette, No. 21,Dated April 23, 2008.

Farid Anbar, Arbitration is a Modern Necessity, Legal Portal, Legislative and Development Information Services Company, Date of Visit 4February 2013

Mustafa Muhammad Al-Jamal, Okasha Muhammad Abdel-Al, Arbitration in International and Internal Relations, Al-Halabi Legal Publications, ed.The First, Lebanon, 1998, p. 190

Law No. 08/09, dated February 25, 2008, containing the Code of Civil and Administrative Procedures, op. cit.

Al-Batani Aam R. Fathi, The Role of the Judge in International Commercial Arbitration, Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution, Amman, 1998, p 98.

Article 749 of the Libyan Code of Civil Procedure, Article 516 of the Swiss Code of Civil Procedure, Article 770 of the CodeLebanese Civil Procedures Institute.

Farid Anbar, previous reference, date of visit: February 4, 2013.

Article 1041 of the Algerian Law 08/09 of Civil and Administrative Procedures, op. cit.

Same reference.

Farid Anbar, previous reference, date of visit: February 4, 2013

Ali Khalil Al-Hadithi, Arbitration and its Importance, Global Islamic Economics Website, Date of visit: April 2, 2014. .406.htm- ،

Farid Anbar, previous reference, date of visit: February 4, 2013

Muhammad Muhammad Badran, FIDIC Contract Forms, research published on the Arab Legal Information Network website, dated 5 / 2005,, accessed April 26, 2010

Article 1050 of the Algerian Law 08/09 of Civil and Administrative Procedures, op. cit.

Ali Khalil Al-Hadithi, previous reference, date of visit: April 2, 2014

Farid Anbar, previous reference, date of visit: February 4, 2013

Legislative Decree No. 93/09, of April 25, 1993, amending and supplementing Ordinance No. 66/154 of June 8, 1966,Containing the Civil Procedure Code, C.R. No. 27, dated April 27, 1993.

Article 1027 of the Algerian Law 08/09 of Civil and Administrative Procedures, op. cit.

Article 1027 of the Algerian Law 08/09 of Civil and Administrative Procedures, op. cit.

Article 1056 of the same reference.

Ahmed Abdel Hamid Ashoush, arbitration as a means of resolving disputes in the field of investment (a comparative study), University Youth Foundation,Egypt, no year of publication, p. 90

Article 1018/02 of the Algerian Law 08/09 of Civil and Administrative Procedures, op. cit.

Legislative Decree No. 93/09, dated April 25, 1993, amending and supplementing Order No. 66/154 dated June 8, 1966,

Containing the Civil Procedure Code, Article No. 27, dated April 27, 1993.

Article 1019, of the Algerian Law 08/09 of Civil and Administrative Procedures, op. cit.

Muhammad Zorouni, “Arbitration under the Civil Administrative Procedures Law,” taken from the website:Date of visit 04/25/2013, pp. 10-11 Sciences juridiques

Article 1022 of the Algerian Law 08/09 of Civil and Administrative Procedures, op. cit.

Article 1021 of the same reference.

Article 1035 of the same reference.

Muhammad Ali Arida, The Right to Defense as a Procedural Guarantee in Arbitration Disputes, Mansha’at Al-Ma’arif, Egypt, 2008, p. 358

Muhammad Saad Rahahla, Enas Al-Khalidi, Guide to Arbitration Procedures in FIDIC Contracts, Dar Al-Hamid, Jordan, 2012, p. 64

Muhammad Nour Shehata, The Concept of Others in Arbitration, Arab Renaissance House, Egypt, 1996, p. 164

Article 1036 of the Algerian Law 08/09 of Civil and Administrative Procedures, op. cit.

Article 1037 of the same reference.

Ahmed Abu Al-Wafa, The Theory of Provisions in Civil Procedure Law, Mansha’at Al-Ma’arif, Egypt, 1988, p. 718