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Modern technology has facilitated the execution of many tasks that were once impossible, as the transfer of information now occurs with ease and convenience, Among the fields that have leveraged this development is intellectual property, particularly the digital rights of authors. However, this advancement has led to numerous issues, including the infringement of digital authors' rights, which has prompted the Algerian legislator to establish mechanisms for their protection, one of which is civil liability.
Civil liability is considered one of the important mechanisms that provide protection for digital authors' rights, through the filing of a lawsuit by the injured party against the party responsible for the damage, provided that the necessary elements are met. One of the consequences of this is the court ruling in favor of the injured party for compensation for the damage incurred, considering that the digital rights of the author contribute to the economic development of countries.
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Second: Legislation
A - Ordinary Legislation
- Order No. 75/58 dated September 26, 1975, containing the Civil Code, Official Gazette of the Democratic Republic of Algeria, No. 78, dated September 30, 1975, as amended and supplemented.
- Order No. 03/05 dated July 19, 2003, concerning copyright and related rights, Official Gazette of the Democratic Republic of Algeria, No. 44, dated July 23, 2003.
- Law No. 08/09, dated February 25, 2008, containing the Law on Civil and Administrative Procedures, as amended and supplemented, Official Gazette of the Republic of Algeria, No. 21, dated April 23, 2008.
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B - Subordinate Legislation
- Presidential Decree No. 20/442 dated December 30, 2020, concerning the issuance of the constitutional amendment, approved in the referendum of November 1, 2020, Official Gazette of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, No. 82, published on December 30, 2020.
Third: Articles
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Fourth: Lectures
- RamainiaSufyan, Lectures on the Civil and Administrative Procedure Law Course for Second-Year Law Students, Second Semester, Mohamed LamineDebaghine University, Setif 2, Faculty of Law and Political Science.
Fifth: Decisions of the Egyptian Court of Cassation
- The Egyptian Court of Cassation, Civil Circuits, Appeal No. 2484 of the year 65 Judicial, session dated: 11/08/2019, available at the link:, accessed on: 11/04/2024 at 10:30, as well as the Civil Circuits, Appeal No. 17704 of the year 85 Judicial, session dated 26/02/2018, available at the link:, accessed on: 11/04/2024 at 15:00.
- The Egyptian Court of Cassation, Commercial Circuits, Appeal No. 3320 of the year 82 Judicial, session dated: 28/12/2021, available at the link:, accessed on: 11/04/2024 at 18:00.
- Egyptian Court of Cassation, Commercial Circuits, Appeal No. 7133 of the Year 88 Judicial, Session dated 28/03/2019, available at the link:, accessed on: 11/10. Egyptian Court of Cassation, Commercial Circuits, Appeal No. 7224 of the Year 89 Judicial, Session dated: 13/02/2020, available at the link:, accessed on: 11/05/2024 at: 23:30.
- Egyptian Court of Cassation, Commercial Circuits, Appeal No. 18640 of the Year 82 Judicial, Session dated: 17/11/2021, available at the link:, accessed on:01/06/2024 at: 22:29.
- Egyptian Court of Cassation, Civil Circuits, Appeal No. 7440 of the Year 78 Judicial, Session dated 28/11/2020, available at the link:, accessed on: 13/05/2024 at: 09:00.