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This study aims to highlight the advancements implemented by the Algerian constitutional founder concerning the constitutional supervision of regulations following the 2020 amendment. It delves into the Constitutional Court's role in broadening its oversight to safeguard the principle of constitutional supremacy, alongside the preservation of rights and freedoms. Additionally, the paper scrutinizes the adequacy of mechanisms to initiate constitutional review by the regulatory authority, aiming to solidify constitutional legitimacy and foster a state governed by the rule of law.
The findings indicate that the optional nature of constitutional supervision and the limitation of direct appeals to political entities—excluding individual petitioners—from accessing the Constitutional Court directly, along with the stringent conditions required to challenge the unconstitutionality of regulatory judgments, diminish the effectiveness of the Constitutional Court in its regulatory oversight role. Consequently, the study advocates for a reassessment of the criteria for challenging regulatory judgments' unconstitutionality and proposes granting individuals the ability to seek constitutional justice through preliminary litigation. This would empower the court to proactively intervene.
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