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Like other countries around the world, Algeria has sought to adopt a new government policy focused on establishing modern mechanisms, primarily related to the creation of emerging institutions and their incubating bodies, despite the existence of previous frameworks. This is done according to legal, regulatory, and institutional frameworks, including the establishment of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Emerging Institutions, and Small Enterprises, and supporting it with agencies and directorates that organize the ministry's work and implement its plans and programs in the sector.
This study aims to shed light on the conceptual and legal framework of emerging institutions in Algeria by clarifying the legal provisions and regulations governing the establishment, foundation, and support of emerging institutions, as well as the facilities and support provided by the authorities.
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Legal Texts:
i. Legislative Texts:
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Law No. 17-02 of January 10, 2017, including the guiding law for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, Official Gazette No. 02, issued on January 11, 2017.
Law No. 19-14 of December 11, 2019, including the Finance Law for the year 2020, Official Gazette No. 81, issued on December 30, 2019.
Law No. 21-16 of December 30, 2021, including the Finance Law for the year 2022, Official Gazette No. 100, issued on December 30, 2021.
Regulatory texts:
Presidential Decree No. 20-01 of January 2, 2020, appointing members of the government, Official Gazette No. 01, issued on January 5, 2020, Addendum to Official Gazette No. 06, issued on February 2, 2020.
Executive Decree No. 20-54 of February 25, 2020, defining the powers of the Minister of Small Enterprises, Startups and the Knowledge Economy, Official Gazette No. 12, issued on February 26, 2020.
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Executive Decree No. 20-356 dated November 30, 2020, establishing an institution for the promotion and management of start-up support structures and defining its missions, organization and operation, Official Gazette No. 73, issued on December 6, 2020.
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