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In order to enhance the strength and vitality of the banking sector, and promote economic development by avoiding the instability created by the rapid expansion of the banks number, and in an effort to create a healthy financial system and by identifying carefully monitored institutions; the legal status of the Algerian Monetary and Banking Council has been strengthened by granting it broad powers, the most important of which are: - setting the conditions for accreditation and license banks and financial institutions.
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Ordinance No. 75-59 of 26 September 1975 containing the Algerian Trade Law, amended and supplemented.
Law No. 23-09 of 21June 2023 containing monetary and banking law
Ordinance No. 03-11 of 26 August 2003 concerning Monetary and credit, amended and supplemented by Ordinance 10-04.
Act No. 04/08 of 27 Joumada Al Thani 1425 AH (14 October 2004) setting out the conditions of commercial activities practice amended and supplemented.
Regulation No. 2000/02 of 02/04/2000 setting out the conditions for the creation of a bank or a financial institution and the conditions for the establishment of a branch of a foreign bank or financial institution; Official Journal No. 27 of 10/05/2000, p. 18, amended and supplemented by Regulation 06/02 of 24/09/2006.
Regulation No. 08/04 of 24/12/2008 setting out the minimum capital limits for banks and public financial institutions in Algeria, Official Journal No. 72 of 24/12/2008.
Regulation No. 92/05 of 22March 1992, which stipulates the conditions to be met in the founders, directors and representatives of banks and financial institutions, Algerian Official Journal No. 08 of 07/02/1992.
Regulation No. 97/02 of 06 April 1997 on the conditions for the creation of banks' networks and financial institutions as amended and supplemented by Regulation No. 02-05 of 31 December 2002.
Regulation No. 20-02 of March 15, 2020, which defines banking operations related to Islamic banking and rules governing its practice by banks and financial institutions.
Executive Decree No. 15-111 setting out the modalities for registration, adjustment and erasure from the commercial register.
Decision of the Bank of Algeria on 29/05/2003 to withdraw accreditation from Bank Al-Khalifa due to its inability to pay as well as recording of a significant shortfall in financial resources
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Decision No. 06/03 of 14 Chaaban 1427 AH (07 September 2006) setting out the accreditation of Fransabank El Djazaïr.
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Decision No. 99-02 of 28 October 1999, setting out the accreditation of the Algerian Bank Company, the Official Journal No. 81 of 1999.
Decision No. 03-03 of December 15, 2003, setting out the accreditation of the Algeria Gulf Bank, the Official Journal, No. 79 of 2003.
Instruction No. 2000/05 of 22/04/2000 which apply the regulation No. 92-05 of 23/03/1992 on the conditions to be met in the founders of banks and financial institutions.
Instruction No. 96/06 of 22/10/1996, issued by the Bank of Algeria and which apply the regulation 93/01.
Instruction No. 07-01 of December 23, 2007 concerning the establishment of conditions for the creation of banks and financial institutions and the creation of a branch of a foreign bank or financial institution.