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The process of co-teaching and co-planning is an educational strategy where two or more teachers work collaboratively to plan, teach, and assess instruction with the goal of enhancing the learning of all students. This practice allows educators to exchange experiences, strategies, and resources, which fosters the development of students' critical thinking while simultaneously motivating them. This article aims to present the results of an intervention process conducted at the InstituciónEducativa Normal Superior MaríaInmaculada in the municipality of Manaure – Cesar, Colombia, where co-teaching and co-planning had a fundamental role due to the positive impact observed in the English sessions at the school. This leads to the conclusion that co-planning and co-teaching are effective in pedagogical and classroom practices. The methodology developed in the process is based on the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, considering that facts were analyzed, planned, and executed with the involvement of the social actors engaged in the research. This was carried out through three intervention cycles, in which collaboration aimed to strengthen classroom practices, specifically in the area of English. The results present the findings and propositions derived from them, concluding the effectiveness of the intervention process. Additionally, different authors perspectives on co-planning and co-teaching are discussed, along with the implications of these practices. Finally, the conclusions reached after the closing of all cycles and the impact of the process of this research are shown, which manage to reach the entire educational community and are expected to reach the scientific community through this article.
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