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The developments taking place in the world, especially with the entry of the private sector into major infrastructure projects, have led to the emergence of new opportunities in the field of investment guarantees, accompanied by new risks. These developments have prompted countries to enact laws that facilitate investment and encourage foreign investors, including providing legal guarantees such as international arbitration to settle disputes away from national jurisdiction. International arbitration provides investors with reassurance that they are not subject to the jurisdiction of another country, and helps attract foreign investment.
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. Abdel Monaim Dessouki: International and Domestic Commercial Arbitration, Egypt, Madbouly Library, Cairo, 1995.
Aliouche Qurboue Kamal: International Arbitration in Algeria, University Publications Office, Algeria, 2001.
Khaled Mohamed Al- Kadi: Encyclopedia of International Commercial Arbitration, 2nd Edition, Al-Chorouk House, Egypt, 2002.
Master's Theses, Doctoral Dissertations, and Lectures:
Aissaoui Mohamed: The Effectiveness of Arbitration in Protecting Foreign Investment in Algeria in Light of Algeria's International Agreements, Doctoral Dissertation in Public Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Mouloud Mammeri, Tizi Ouzou, n.d.
Kamal Maarouf: International Commercial Arbitration under Legislative Decree 93/09 of April 25, 1993, Master’s Thesis in Business Law, Institute of Law and Administrative Sciences, Ibn Aknoun, University of Algiers, 1999-2000.
Kula Mohammed: Arbitration within the Algerian Investment Law Framework, Master's Thesis, Business Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Mouloud Mammeri, 2001.
Taher Brayek: Lectures on International Commercial Arbitration (unpublished), delivered to Master's students specializing in Business Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Amar Thelge University, El Oued, 2012-2013.
Wali Nadia: Arbitration as a Guarantee for Investment within the Framework of Bilateral and Multilateral Arab Agreements, Master's Thesis in Business Law, Faculty of Law and Commercial Sciences, M’hamed Bougherra University, Boumerdes, 2006.
Legal Texts:
Order No. 65-287 dated November 18, 1965, concerning the approval of the agreement of 29/07/1965 concerning the exploitation of fuel and hydrocarbon revolution, Official Gazette, Issue 95, issued on November 19, 1965.
Order No. 66-145 of June 8, 1966, concerning Civil Procedures Law, Official Gazette, No. 47, for the year 1966.
Order No. 76-246 dated November 16, 1967, concerning the approval of the agreement concluded between Algeria and the Lebanese government concerning air transport, signed on April 21, 1967, Beirut.
Order No. 71-80 of December 29, 1971, amending the Civil Procedures Law, Official Gazette, for the year 1972.
Order No. 75-58 of Ramadan 20, 1434, corresponding to September 26, 1975, containing the Civil Law, amended and supplemented by Law No. 05-10 dated 13 Jumada al-Awwal 1426, corresponding to June 20, 2005, Official Gazette, No. 44, for the year 2005.
Order No. 01-03 dated August 20, 2001, concerning investment development, Official Gazette, No. 47, dated August 22, 2001, amended and supplemented by Order No. 06-08, dated July 15, 2006, Official Gazette, No. 47, dated July 19, 2006.
Law No. 88-01 of January 12, 1988, concerning the Guiding Law for Public Economic Institutions, Official Gazette, issued on January 13, 1988.
Law No. 08-09 of February 25, 2008, concerning Civil and Administrative Procedures, Official Gazette, No. 21, for the year 2008.
Decree No. 653 dated September 14, 1963, concerning the approval of the agreement of June 26, 1963, issued on September 17, 1963, official Gazette, Issue No. 67 repeated.
Article 18 of Order No. 75-58 dated 20 Ramadan 1934 of H. corresponding to September 26, 1975, containing the Civil Law, amended and supplemented by Law No. 05-10 dated 13 Jumada al-Awwal 1426, corresponding to June 20, 2005, Official Gazette, No. 44, of 2005.