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This study aimed to determine the attitudes of public school teachers towards inclusive education in the identified elementary schools for the school year 2020-2021 as the basis for action plans. Quantitative and qualitative research designs were used to gather the data. Respondents were selected through universal sampling. Gathered data were treated using frequency and percentage, weighted mean, ANOVA, chi-square, and thematic analysis. Results showed that most respondents aged between 25 and 35 years old, the majority of females, at the masters level, had a combined monthly family income of 21,914-43,828 pesos, had taught for more than ten (10) years, and the majority did not attend training about SpEd teaching. Furthermore, the teachers' perceived attitudes towards IE were moderately positive. The highest educational attainment showed a significant relationship and significant difference when grouped by profile. It can be concluded that the teachers' educational attainment significantly affects their perceived attitude towards inclusive education. The higher their educational attainment, the more they gauge a positive attitude towards inclusive education. Hence, the researchers recommend that the study’s output be adopted
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