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The establishment of the Tanjung Kelayang Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Belitung Regency is a key component of the national strategic development initiative. This study investigates the legal complexities surrounding land acquisition and management within the SEZ framework. Using a normative juridical approach, this research examines the release of management rights in accordance with Indonesian land law. The main findings reveal the complexity of the process of transferring land rights, especially the release of management rights by the Belitung Regency Government and replacement by private development institutions. The legal agreement facilitates the conversion of management rights into building use rights, thereby allowing SEZ development consortiums to start projects in designated areas. The implications of this research include understanding the governance of land rights in development projects in Indonesia, emphasizing the role of the legal framework in facilitating public-private partnerships for economic progress. By explaining the legal intricacies surrounding land acquisition and divestiture, this research contributes to informed decision-making in future SEZ initiatives, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations and encouraging fair development practices.
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