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Today, the world enjoys a life of progress, prosperity, and luxury, primarily due to the emergence of modern and diverse means of communication, notably the internet. The internet has made the world appear as a single village where you can learn about events around you and across the globe with the click of a button on your computer or smartphone. The role of these modern communication means is indispensable in the lives of individuals and nations, affecting all aspects of life, including scientific, social, political, and even commercial fields.
Modern communication means, particularly the internet, have significantly contributed to enabling individuals to perform remote sales, purchases, and various commercial activities using this advanced technology. This technology saves time and effort, simplifies procedures, and accelerates processes. Therefore, it was imperative for the Algerian legislator to intervene with legal provisions to regulate and protect the participants in this new mode of transaction, known as electronic commerce, via modern communication means.
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Law No. 04-02 dated June 23, 2004, specifying the rules applicable to commercial practices, Official Gazette of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, No. 41, issued on June 27, 2004.
Law No. 18-05 dated May 10, 2018, regarding the rules of electronic commerce, Official Gazette of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, No. 28, issued on May 16, 2018.
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