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America's main cyber policies, as the fourth pillar of democracy, have a significant impact on the domestic and foreign policy of this country. On the other hand, nowadays, the cyber space has become one of the most important aspects of security, so that with the growth and development of cyber technology, we see an increase in risks in this field. Different actors, both governmental and non-governmental, have emerged in this field, and each of them has taken actions against American national security in a way and based on their goals. In the meantime, although America is considered as the main developer of cyber space, it is a leading country in this field. The comprehensive development of the Internet and the excessive dependence of this government's sensitive infrastructure on information technology have exposed it to a variety of cyber threats. The banking network and Malaya to public services, civil and military networks are all dependent on the network. In case of cyber disruption, all of them will stop working. By examining the cyber incidents from the era of the previous presidents of the United States to the present day, the stages of the cyber threat in the order The political and then security work of the American government in details of the logical process that went through so that cyber security rose from a marginal issue under the general title of sensitive infrastructure to the top of American security threats. In this article, with the aim of identifying the components of cyber diplomacy in the United States of America, An attempt is made to analyze and examine the dimensions and frameworks of American diplomacy in the field of national security, as an indicator and example of the current national affairs of this country from the conceptual aspect of cyber diplomacy's symbolic security strategies.
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