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Article 46 of Law No. 15-12 concerning Child Protection, issued on July 15, 2015, establishes the procedure of audiovisual recording for child victims of sexual assault in Algerian law. This mechanism addresses the challenges of collecting evidence and protecting a child's well-being in such cases.
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. Sources :
A. Laws and Decrees
Law No. 04-15 dated November 10, 2004, amending and supplementing Decree No. 66-156 dated June 8, 1966, containing the Penal Code, Official Gazette of the Algerian Republic, No. 71, issued on November 10, 2004.
Law No. 15-12, dated July 15, 2015, relating to the Protection of the Child, Official Gazette of the Algerian Republic, No. 39, issued on July 19, 2015.
Decree No. 75-47 dated June 17, 1975, amending Decree No. 66-156 dated June 8, 1966, containing the Penal Code, Official Gazette of the Algerian Republic, No. 53.
II. References :
A. Books
Ahmed Bousguieaa, The Concise Handbook of Special Criminal Law, Part One, 17th Edition, Dar Houma, Algeria, 2014.
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B. University Theses
• Hamou Ben Ibrahim Fekhar, The Criminal Protection of the Child in Algerian Legislation and Comparative Law, PhD Thesis, Specialization in Criminal Law, Mohamed Kheider University of Biskra: Algeria, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Algeria, 2014/2015.
C. Articles in the Fields
Amal Al-Ayouch, "Sexual Assaults on Children, Intervention Methods and Psychological Care", Sociological Journal, Amar Thliji University, Laghouat: Algeria, Volume 2, Issue 01, 2018.
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Hamas Hadiyat, "Audiovisual Recording as a New Procedure for Investigating Children Victims of Certain Crimes", The Mediterranean Journal of Law and Economics, The Mediterranean Laboratory for Legal Studies, Abou Bekr Belkaid University, Tlemcen: Algeria, Issue 03, 2017.
Abdel Kader Al-Arabi Shaht, "Modern Techniques for Hearing Statements of Minor Children Victims of Sexual Assaults by the Judicial Police", Algerian Journal of Law, Economics, and Politics, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Ben Aknoun: Algeria, Volume 38, Issue 02, June 2001.
D. Articles in Meetings and Seminars
Zouaoui Abbas and Khair Eddine Dalal, "The Legal Framework for the Child in Need of Protection, According to Law 15-12 on the Protection of the Child", Paper presented at the study day entitled: Algeria's International Commitments and Their Reflections on Algerian Legislation in the Field of Child Protection Mohamed Kheider University of Biskra, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Algeria, February 27, 2017.
E. Unpublished Lectures
Cherfeddine Warda, Lectures in the Child Protection Law Course, Lectures given to second-year students specializing in Family Law, Mohamed Kheider University of Biskra, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, 2023-2024.
F. Websites
Penal Code through the website: https://wipolex-res.wipo.int/edocs/lexdocs/laws/ar/dz/dz027ar.pdf, dated 18/01/2024, time: 23:00 .
Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989, United Nations website, through the website: https://www.ohchr.org/ar/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/convention-rights-child, dated 20/01/2024, time: 15:00