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Interpellation is considered a constitutional right prescribed for a member of parliament, which is used in confronting the government, as it is one of the most important oversight mechanisms exercised by parliament, considering that it accuses the government or one of its members, as well as holding it accountable and accusing it of one of the actions entrusted to it, and this right has included the constitutions of several countries, including Algeria under the Algerian constitutional amendment of 2020, thus setting certain controls that should be respected when using it, and enables deputies of the People’s National Assembly to raise the political responsibility of the government by moving Censorship petitioner.
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I- Constitutions and Laws:
- Algerian Constitution referendumd on November 28, 1996, Official Gazette of the Republic of Algeria No. 76, dated November 8, 1996, amended by Law No. 16-01 of March 06, 2016, Official Gazette of the Republic of Algeria No. 14, issued on March 07, 2016, and Law of December 30, 2020, Official Gazette, No. 82, issued on December 30, 2020.
- Constitution of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Official Gazette (Special Issue) 2517, dated February 14, 2002, as amended by the amendments issued: - In the Supplement to the Official Gazette, No. 3050, issued on May 03, 2012, - In the Supplement to the Official Gazette, No. 3307, issued on March 30, 2017, - In the Official Gazette, No. 3390, issued on October 25, 2018.
- The Egyptian Constitution issued on January 18, 2014, Official Gazette, No. 3 bis A, for the year 2014, as amended by:
- Decision of the National Elections Authority No. 38 of 2019, issued in the Official Gazette, No. 16, bis (f), issued on April 23, 2019, regarding the announcement of the result of the referendum, on amending some articles of the Constitution.
II- Laws:
- Organic Law 16-12 of August 25, 2016, Official Gazette of the Algerian Republic, No. 50, dated August 28, 2016, defining the organization and functioning of the People’s National Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as the functional relations between them and the Government, amended and supplemented by Law 23-06 of May 18, 2023, Official Journal of the Republic of Algeria, No. 35, of May 21, 2023.
III- Internal Regulations:
- Internal Regulations of the House of Representatives, Official Gazette No. 14 bis, (B), 13 April 2016.
- Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly 2017, Official Gazette, No. 17, dated August 22, 2017.
IV- Books:
- Galal Bandari, Activating the Role of Parliament and its Need for Houses of Expertise, Without Publishing House, Cairo, 2003.
- Suleiman Al-Tamawi, Principles of Constitutional Law, A Comparative Study, First Edition, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi, Egypt 1960.
- Mohamed Ali Swailem, “Institutional Legislative Reform” and “Legislative Regulations”, “A Comparative Study of Islamic Political Legislation”, Egyptian Publishing and Distribution, Egypt, 2015.
- Salah El-Din Fawzy, Parliament (A Comparative and Analytical Study of World Parliaments), Dar Al-Nahda Arabic, Cairo, 1994 edition.
V- Scientific Articles:
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Ahmed bin Zayan, The interrogation mechanism in light of the constitutional amendment of 2020, Journal of Law and Development, Volume 3, Issue Two, December 2021.
Roqaia Ben Arabiya, Parliamentary Interpellation in Light of the Constitutional Amendment of 2020, Journal of Knowledge Issues, Volume Two, Issue Four, December 2022.
Donia Bousalem, The Evolution of Parliamentary Questioning in the Algerian Experience: Between Stability and Change, Journal of Law and Human Sciences, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2023.
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Asma Boukhenouf, Petition for Oversight as a Mechanism for Parliamentary Oversight of Government Work in Light of the 2020 Constitutional Amendment, Journal of Jurisprudence, Volume 15, Issue One, March 2023.