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Children are regarded as the true treasure of any nation, embodying a vital component within both society and the state. Consequently, it has become essential to prioritize child protection by developing a comprehensive legal framework that addresses every aspect pertinent to child welfare. Based on this imperative, the Algerian constitutions were formulated to safeguard the paramount rights of children, with subsequent laws such as the family and civil status laws elaborating these protections in detail. Nonetheless, the efficacy of these laws hinges on their rigorous enforcement, a responsibility that falls to entities such as the Human Rights Advisory Committee, various associations, and the broader civil society sector.
Constitutional safeguards are paramount in safeguarding children's rights, as the constitution holds the highest rank of legal power and embodies a comprehensive array of vital assurances for rights and freedoms universally, and specifically for the rights of children. Nonetheless, the Algerian constitution is characterized by its shortcomings and omissions concerning child protection. These shortcomings can largely be ascribed to the limited number of constitutional texts that address these rights, which are often vague and lack precise definitions.
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