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Job creation is a subject that fascinates various researchers, its results depend on the behavior of relevant variables, the actions of world economic agents and economic policies in any order. In recent years, decent jobs obtained in formality have lost importance, giving way to non-decent work provided in informality, having an impact on the generation of employment and equity between men and women, with marked differences in salary and working conditions, despite the constant conventions established by the International Labor Organization (ILO). The research focuses on deepening and updating the results obtained in the works of (Moreno, 2016), on employment with gender equality, in the geographical space of eastern Colombia in municipalities between 100 and 200 thousand inhabitants included in the departments of Boyacá, following the methodology established by the United Nations, carried out in different periods of time during the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, the latter period with restrictions and skepticism about the effects of the pandemic. It is concluded that a greater asymmetry was generated between formal and informal employment with an increase in the loss of wages and conditions for women.
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