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The research discusses the international legal mechanism for preventing pollution of the marine ecosystem during the extraction of mineral resources. As land-based mineral deposits are being depleted, there is a growing interest in exploring and extracting resources from the sea. The growing demand for these resources has raised concerns about the environmental impact of deep-sea mining activities on marine ecosystems. It is significant to carefully balance the need for these resources with the protection of the marine environment. It is crucial to balance the demand for these resources with the need to safeguard marine ecosystems. More and more countries are beginning to develop activities to evolve marine resources in deep-sea areas. In this regard, the preservation and protection of the environment during the development of marine mineral raw materials affects the interests of not only an individual state, but also the entire world community as a whole. Therefore, cooperation at the international level is a key to ensuring the responsible and sustainable development of marine mineral resources.
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Laws and statutes
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