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There are various causes and manifestations of violations associated with illegal immigration. Many nations criminalize unauthorized entry into their territories. However, it is essential to view illegal immigrants as victims of extraordinary circumstances and conditions before considering their actions through a criminal lens. The study aims to underscore key strategies for shifting public perceptions concerning illegal immigration. This entails embracing a human rights-oriented approach and minimizing the reliance on security measures, surveillance, and punitive legal procedures. The findings advocate for governmental action. It emphasizes the imperative of aligning migrant rights with universal human rights principles, emphasizing their inherent inseparability. Furthermore, the study urges the decriminalization of illegal immigration, advocating for its treatment solely within the realm of civil and administrative violations.
Since illegal immigrants face many problems, the research had to raise the problem of linguistic communication, as most illegal immigrants do not speak the foreign languages of the countries they moved to.
To address these issues comprehensively, the study will employ a descriptive analytical approach, deemed most suitable for examining its overarching framework.
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