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The quality and effectiveness of administrative work necessitate a shift towards digitizing management through the dedication of modern technology to ensure the speed and transparency of administrative services. This has led Algeria to adopt and consolidate the concept of electronic administration, gradually moving away from traditional management with its complexities and drawbacks, including time wastage and bureaucracy. The integration of human resource management with the idea of electronic administration represents the development of electronic human resource management (E-HRM) by enhancing the administrative apparatus and strengthening its human capabilities.
The topic of electronic administration in human resource management remains a subject of academic interest, particularly from a legal perspective, due to its novelty and importance. The study emphasizes the need to define the concepts by defining electronic administration and related terminology, as well as defining electronic administration in human resource management. Furthermore, the study examines the challenges faced by Algeria in adopting this concept as a manifestation of the Algerian e-government project and the obstacles encountered in its implementation.
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