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Purpose: to analyze the evolution of research on the “Triple Bottom Line” between the years 2000 and 2022. Design/methodology/approach: a bibliometric analysis was performed with 455 Web of Science’s articles, that containing at least one of the keywords considered (triple impact management*, triple bottom line* or b corp*). VOSviewer software was used to analyze the data. Findings: The research on this topic has evolved increasingly. The last time period (2012-2022) concentrates 88.8% of all scientific productivity, as well as 62.7% of authors, 87.9% of journals, 68.7% of institutions and 61.5% of citations. The lines of research that can be detected, and on which work should continue, are: triple bottom line management models, green supply chain performance, innovation strategy for sustainability, and, sustainability, corporate social responsibility and financial performance. Originality: There are no publications that indicate the most relevant lines of research on Triple Bottom Line.
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