Main Article Content
The purpose of this research is to empirically investigate the entrepreneurial intention of Egyptian late entrepreneurs about motives and barriers given the importance of Entrepreneurship for economic flourishing and the omitted segment of late entrepreneurs from the scientific arena. The objectives of this research are: to investigate how Financial Capital “FC”, Human Capital “HC”, Social Capital “SC” affect the Intention of Egyptian Entrepreneurs, to examine how financial Capital “ FC”, Human Capital “HC”, Social Capital “SC” affect Innovative Idea “II”, to identify how II affects Intention of Egyptian late Entrepreneurs, to examine the mediation role of II in the relation among FC, HC, SC and Entrepreneurial Intention of Egyptian late Entrepreneurs, to test the moderation role of Fear of Failure in the relation among FC, HC,, SC and Intention of Egyptian late Entrepreneurs, . The study followed the quantitative approach and data gathered from a survey of 391 acceptable responses. The results were analysed employing structural equation model analyses (SEM) using analysis of moment structures (AMOS) software. Findings revealed that all hypotheses are statistically supported. the findings offer insights for practitioners and policymakers on fostering entrepreneurship among late entrepreneurs, particularly through the development of IIs. Additionally, understanding the key drivers of EI in later life can inform the development of programs and initiatives specifically tailored to support aspiring late-stage entrepreneurs in Egypt.
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